They say we all have to begin somewhere and sometimes that somewhere leads to other places. We may find that life is filled with many mysteries that we don't quite understand. We change sour lemons into delicious lemonade!!! Taking the bitter with the sweet.  Sometimes you find yourself wanting to just breeze through the many ups and downs. Well, here goes!!! This is where we fly through the present, past, the now and await the future. Here we Escape...Where It All Begin!!!


I'm An'Jenic you may call me AJ if it makes it easy on you. This is my little space on the web.  You'll hear about my everyday life....well maybe some but not all. You get my take mostly on escaping time by simply reading. I love reading, crafting, and different music genres. Here I decided I wanted to capture my reading time by blogging. I'll try not to get all sappy and read the same old styles. I'll try to venture into other categories. I'll try not to be a spoiler.  But again. It's me and I'm just trying too...

Escape....Where It All Begin!!



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