Review: Long Way Down by Jason Reynolds / TBR Challenge Read

Long Way Down by Jason Reynolds
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was it's incredible. It's raw, real, and emotional. I have never read a verse book. This is my first and I've heard a lot of reviews on this type of written book. I feel it was well written and as you would say in a very poetic way. This particular verse style writing kept me reading. It did make for a fast but enjoyable read. The story is based on a young man who lost his brother. He is out for revenge but will he get one? After being hunted by the pass........wait doesn't this sounds formal to you all........ if you thinking Mr. Ebenezer Schrouge then you are right. LOL however kept in mind this story is not set around Christmas or some mean man. It is set up on an elevator ride with a scary, yet happy moment into the pass depending on how you look at it. I can't imagine being stuck in an elevator with no way out; but down or when you stop at a floor thinking should you get off or who is coming in. I have to say I did hold my breath at each stop because you just don't know that will happen. Now the ending.....I really love the ending it does make you think!!!! I have seen other people ask about the ending. Its a thinking ending if that makes sense. You have to truly think and to be honest I'm very happy with the way it ended. If you wondering if this makes for a good book club read? I say yes. I think this is a great read for middle school as well but adults. It truly makes you think!!!

This book is apart of my Book Outlet challenge TBR. Which you can find on this post HERE!!

Book 02/05

Happy Reading

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